Tuesday 5 November 2013

Tragedy and the Tragic Hero

Today we reviewed the characteristics of Shakespearean Tragedy and the traits of a Tragic Hero.  Students made detailed notes and as a class we discussed the relevance to Macbeth.  Students should see Mrs. Phillips if they missed the lesson and/or get the notes from a peer.

In addition, Mrs. Phillips discussed the importance of the 6 Learning Skills to success.  

Monday 4 November 2013

Bloody Macbeth


Have a look at this website.  Read it over, think about it, comment below!

The Return of Mrs. Phillips

What a glorious year it has been!  It is Sunday night.  Tomorrow I will be returning to the Ridge and the classroom after 52 weeks with my baby boy.  I will be returning with bittersweet emotions.  It is so difficult to leave the baby, knowing that I will never again have this time to spend with him.  The year has been filled with firsts, growth, quiet time as well as excitement.  It has been a time for family and reflection.  It has been a time to grow our family and home; building what we have looked forward to for so long.  From that perspective, it is very difficult to return to work.

The return is also sweet.  It is sweet to be returning to my career and the energy of academic life.  I am starved for intellectual conversation and am longing to get my head back into the English game.  It will also be so good to see familiar faces both around the school and in the English department.  The Ridge really is a home away from home, and in that sense, the return will be welcomed.  I was made to be a teacher of English and the classroom really is where I belong.  After eleven years of teaching, the return is less stressful than it was six years ago after my first maternity leave.

Teaching grade ten is really interesting.  Students are moving from the basics into a more mature and careful study of literature.  I am really excited about jumping into Macbeth.  I LOVE Shakespeare and his intricate Tragic tales.  I'm looking forward to seeing the students' reactions to the end of the play.

I would like to know what the class' expectations are for their new teacher.  Please respond in a sentence or two and let me know what your hopes are for the last part of the semester.